KNOBSTONE FLOWER FARM is now carrying potted pine trees from EVANS PINES NURSERY, Albany, Indiana. Tony and Amy Evans have an 80-acre pine nursery in East Central, Indiana. They have assisted with the planting and care of pine, spruce, and fir trees since the early 1990’s at Hobson’s Christmas Tree Farm which was owned and operated by Amy’s father. EVANS PINES NURSERY uses soil-less planting material with a time-release fertilizer. They irrigate from their pond to develop a well-established root system and hardy tree. A pine, spruce or fir tree with a full root system allows for fast growth when planted in the ground. KNOBSTONE FLOWER FARM is the place to come if you need a few pine, spruce or fir trees for your habitat planting, landscaping, privacy screen planting or decorative setting for the holidays. If you need larger amounts of trees, we recommend going straight to the source and make the trip to EVANS PINES NURSERY. Please tell Tony and Amy that the flower farm sent you!
CANAAN FIR The Canaan is a medium growing (1-2ft per year) evergreen. Their needles are flat needle-like about 1 inch long and have a nice green color. It does not shed its needles but holds them for 10 years or longer. The Canaan fir will grow up to 60 ft tall and 15 ft wide and has the traditional evergreen shape and a very nice fir smell. It will grow on heavier soils and higher pH soils remarkably well. Being from the east with higher precipitation and humidity, it is not bothered by needle cast and canker diseases that western species of fir (Douglas or Concolor) are. Recommend planting on a well-drained soil or on sloping heavy ground so water can run off and not be excessive. We have noticed that this tree is more drought resistant than many other conifers.
Prices: 4-gallon pot 12” – 24” height $40 each or 3 for $105
4-gallon pot 24” – 36” height $50 each or 3 for $135
10-gallon pot 36” – 60” height $100 each or 3 for $285
NORWAY SPRUCE The Norway Spruce is our favorite and best large evergreen. The Norway Spruce is a fast growing (2-3 ft per year) evergreen that has dark green needles that are 1 inch long, and can grow up to 5 ft a year in a good weather year. It does not drop its needles and its branches extend to the ground, giving excellent wind protection. It is a native of Central and Eastern Europe. It will grow to 100+ ft tall and 25+ ft wide, it is very wind firm due to its large spreading root system and tough flexible wood. It can live a very long life of over 100 years. Due to its shape, heavy snow and ice storms cause little damage. Deer will not normally eat this species unless there is nothing else available. It is able to take more moisture than other species and should be considered where soils can stay moist and where the land is level and does not drain as well. Does not do well where the soil is constantly wet or swampy. The Norway Spruce has few disease problems unless stressed.
Prices: 4-gallon pot 12” – 24” height $40 each or 3 for $105 4-gallon pot 24” – 36” height $50 each or 3 for $135
10-gallon pot 36” – 60” height $100 each or 3 for $285
WHITE PINE The White Pine is a fast growing (2-3 ft per year or more) evergreen and is native to eastern North America. In Sep. through Oct. this pine "sheds" all of its needles that grew out the previous year. When grown in the open its branches extend to the ground, when grown in windbreaks they usually loose these lower branches, which is common in the pine family. It will grow up to 100+ ft tall and 25+ ft wide; its large spreading root system is very wind firm, but its branches are slightly brittle and more susceptible to damage by snow, ice, and windstorms. It prefers a well-drained soil and does not like to have its roots too wet. The White pine can grow well in sandy conditions where the spruce would not do as well. It is quite adaptable to dryer sites if not planted too closely together. The White pine tree is a recommended tree for fast growth Prices: 4-gallon pot 12” – 24” height $40 each or 3 for $105
4-gallon pot 24” – 36” height $50 each or 3 for $135
10-gallon pot 36” – 60” height $100 each or 3 for $285